Marginal Rise In Covid-19 Cases | Vadodara News – Times of India

Vadodara: A marginal rise was registered in Covid-19 cases in the city and district on Saturday. For the third consecutive day, no deaths were, however, reported.
During the 24 hours ending on Saturday evening, 14 new cases were detected from 1,419 tests conducted in the city and district. On Friday, 12 cases were found from 1,394 tests.
The new cases include nine from Vadodara Municipal Corporation areas and five from areas outside city limits in the district.
The constant decline in the number of active cases continued with 109 remaining under treatment. The active cases include 49 in hospitals and the remaining in home isolation. Those hospitalized include two on ventilator or BIPAP machines and six in ICUs while 12 others are on oxygen support. tnn