Mamta said- I did not throw Tata, CPI(M) kicked out: I am not responsible for Nano car project going out of state

Kolkata10 minutes ago

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West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has claimed that Tata Motors was not fired by her government. Rather, this is about the time when CPI(M) was in power. I am not responsible for the Tata Nano car project going out of Bengal. Mamta said this in a program in Siliguri on Wednesday.

Responding to Mamta’s claim, CPM leader Sujan Chakraborty said that Mamata Banerjee’s statement is false. He has exposed himself as an open lie. Unfortunately she is the Chief Minister of Bengal. She started her career with a lie, saying that she was Dr Mamta Banerjee.

Mamta said – we did not occupy the land
Mamta Banerjee said that allegations are being made that we have occupied the land. We have no shortage of land. We have also done many projects, but we have never snatched anyone’s land forcibly. Some people these days are talking nonsense that I had driven Tata away. Now it is the Tatas who are giving jobs here. He said that the CPM had tried to forcefully capture the land, which was later brought back by his government.

He said that I had only returned the farmers’ land which was forcibly occupied by the former Left Front government for Tata Motor’s Nano car factory at Singur in Hooghly district.

CPM leader said whether she wants to trust her words
The CPM leader said that by doing this what she wants is that her words should be trusted. Who protested against the Tata Nano project? Wasn’t it his party people who gheraoed the Durgapur Expressway. Does she want us to believe that the then Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and Left activists did all this?

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