Mamata got setback from SC in Pegasus Espionage Case as court stays investigation constituted by Bengal Government

According to media reports, the Supreme Court on Friday stayed the investigation of the commission constituted by the Mamata Banerjee government of West Bengal headed by retired judge Justice MB Lokur on allegations of Pegasus espionage. A bench of CJI NV Ramana and Justices Surya Kant and Hima Kohli took cognizance of a plea that the commission has started its work despite assurances from the West Bengal government. The Government of West Bengal had assured that the Lokur Committee would not take further action on the investigation.

On October 27, the Supreme Court appointed a three-member committee of cyber experts to investigate the suspected use of Pegasus, Israel’s espionage software, to monitor certain people in India. It had stated that every individual deserves protection from privacy infringement, and that the court cannot simply petition for national security on behalf of the government and remain a quiet spectator.

WB Govt had announced this inquiry commission last month

The Commission of Inquiry includes former Supreme Court Justice MB Lokur and former Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya. Last month, the West Bengal government announced the formation of this inquiry commission. More than 300 verified Indian mobile phone numbers are on the list of possible people for surveillance using Pegasus spy software, according to a coalition of international media companies.

Spyware firm NSO firm has started preparing to sell Pegasus
