Maken’s defeat is a big setback for Hooda: Before the cancellation of Congress MLA’s vote, there is also a question on the political management of the CM

Chandigarh5 hours ago

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The results of elections for 2 seats of Rajya Sabha from Haryana have created a stir in the politics of the state. This was the first test of the leadership of Udaybhan, who belonged to the same camp of Congress leader Bhupinder Singh Hooda and recently became the state president. Despite having enough MLAs in the state, the Hooda camp fell out of favor with the BJP-JJP alliance and Congress candidate Ajay Maken lost by a narrow margin.

The Congress has 31 MLAs in Haryana, but the Hooda camp was already aware of Kuldeep Bishnoi’s rebellious attitude. Despite this, the party had 30 MLAs and this number was enough for Ajay Maken’s victory. Congress and Hooda camp conducted mock drill in Raipur to train Congress MLAs to vote in Rajya Sabha elections 4 times. Despite this, the vote of a Congress MLA was cancelled. This has raised questions on Hooda’s political management. Hooda’s political stature in Sonia’s court has also been hurt by Ajay Maken’s defeat.

Both the Rajya Sabha MPs with Chief Minister Manohar Lal

Both the Rajya Sabha MPs with Chief Minister Manohar Lal

Kuldeep Bishnoi took revenge

After the resignation of Kumari Selja from the post of Haryana Pradesh Congress President, Adampur MLA Kuldeep Bishnoi was at the fore in the race to become the new state president. Kuldeep Bishnoi was considered close to Rahul Gandhi. In this respect also his claim seemed strong. On the other hand, former CM Bhupendra Singh Hooda wanted to see his son and Rajya Sabha MP Deepender Hooda in the chair of the state president. However, Dipendra being an MP and Hooda himself being the Leader of the Opposition became a hindrance as the Congress party has a ‘one leader one post’ formula. When Kuldeep Bishnoi was almost certain to become the state president, Hooda made a new move by placing the name of Dalit leader Udaybhan in front of the high command.

The Congress high command also came under Hooda’s trick and Kuldeep Bishnoi kept on becoming the state president. Kuldeep expressed his displeasure openly. After this, after his photo with CM Manohar Lal and other BJP leaders surfaced, speculations started that he might leave the Congress. Meanwhile, the election of two Rajya Sabha seats has come. Kuldeep not only made his intentions clear to the high command by saying that he would vote on the voice of conscience in this election, but also raised the concern of the Hooda camp. Now with the defeat of Congress candidate Ajay Maken, Kuldeep’s revenge from the Hooda camp has been completed.

Kuldeep Bishnoi with Chief Minister Manohar Lal.

Kuldeep Bishnoi with Chief Minister Manohar Lal.

Strategy of CM and Deputy CM

The strategy of Haryana CM Manohar Lal and Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala weighed heavily on Hooda. In the midst of discussions about changing the CM in the state, Manohar Lal has given a befitting reply to the rebel voices rising against him by winning independent candidate Kartikeya Sharma. JJP leader and Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala also gave a message to the Congress not to make the mistake of underestimating his party. With the victory of Karthikeya Sharma, the BJP-JJP alliance is also almost certain to last till the assembly elections to be held in 2024.

Chief Minister Manohar and Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala.

Chief Minister Manohar and Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala.

INLD and JJP did Vinod Sharma a favor

Kartikeya Sharma, who defeated Congress candidate Ajay Maken in the Rajya Sabha elections, is the son of former minister Vinod Sharma. Karthikeya Sharma’s brother Manu Sharma helped INLD supremo OP Chautala and his elder son Ajay Chautala, who were lodged in Tihar Jail after being convicted in the JBT scam. INLD and JJP avenged the same favors of Manu Sharma by getting Karthikeya Sharma’s victory. With this victory, Vinod Sharma, president of Haryana Janchetna Party, who lost the assembly elections in 2014 and 2019 and former Union Minister, made his son Kartikeya a strong entry into politics.

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