Lok Sabha Election 2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to hold election rallies in three southern states, Telangana, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, today. The saffron party is aiming to better its 2019 performance in the upcoming polls. Meanwhile, the Congress Working Committee (CWC) will discuss the party’s manifesto for the Lok Sabha elections at its meeting on March 19 and give the final shape to it. The government on Sunday is learnt to have initiated the process of notifying the dates of the seven-phase Lok Sabha elections by sending the Election Commission’s recommendation to President Droupadui Murmu. The first notification will be issued on March 20 for the first phase of polls on April 19 in 102 seats. The elections for the 18th Lok Sabha will begin on April 19 followed by subsequent phases on April 26, May 7, May 13, May 20, May 25 and June 1, according to the schedule announced by the Election Commission.