Know About Your Personality Traits By The Way You Clench Your Fist

Upon hearing the word first, people are usually reminded of packing a punch in a fight. But did you know that the way you make a fist, might be a hint about your personality? Our actions do talk about our personality. Every person is different from the other, and so is their way of making a fist. Here’s how and what your fist-making style reveals about your personality.

1. Loose fist with thumb on the index finger
If you make a fist that rests your thumb against the index finger, it means you are a kind and selfless person. Unfortunately, the quality of generosity has made people take advantage of you. When someone misuses your open nature for their work, you just need to learn from the experiences and move on.

According to Mind Journal, your love personality is not good at expressing. You may not be honest. You often suppress your emotions and dilute the expression of feelings. With selfless traits, you subside your anger for love.

2. Fist with the thumb resting alongside the middle finger
You are a bag full of creativity. Your open-minded and friendly nature is loved by all. The best traits of you are- hard work, strong self-esteem and confidence. You are calm and alert even in trouble and look to bring the situation under control.

As per your love personality, you are stuck in the past which is hard for you to let go of. You love your partner very much. You don’t want them to hate you or lose interest in you so act like you don’t care but in reality, everything matters to you.

3. A close fist thumb inside
Your witty and agile nature is loved by people. You tend to be good at phrasing but react quickly. You are not only thoughtful and sensitive but also a practical thinker. Internally, most of the time you choose to remain silent. You would rather sacrifice than let anyone get hurt. About your love personality, you love a comfortable environment so does your relationship. You forgive a person easily if they seek an apology sincerely.

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