kims: Dc Seeks Report On Death Of Covid Patient At Kims | Hubballi News – Times of India

Dharwad: Deputy commissioner Nitesh Patil has asked the district health officer to probe the death of a woman who was a Covid-19 patient in Hubballi, and submit a report. In his letter to DHO Dr B C Karigoudar on Tuesday, the DC referred to the death of a Covid-19 patient at the Seeing Covid Care Center in KIMS hospital on Monday, due to alleged negligence of the nursing staff, and asked the DHO to conduct a probe and submit a report within 24 hours.
The DC said the district administration has taken precautions to contain the spread of Covid-19, and steps have been taken to provide the necessary number of beds, medical facilities and oxygen, and to ensure proper storage and distribution of medicines.
He has appealed to the needy to call the helpline +91 8047168111, to enquire about the availability of beds.
A 62-year-old woman, who had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and was undergoing treatment at the Vedanta Covid Care Center at KIMS hospital, had died at 2:30 pm on Monday. There were allegations that no nursing staff were there at the ICU at that time, and that this might have led to her death.
However, the KIMS management denied this allegation, and said that the woman was administered timely and proper treatment, and that there was no deficiency in medical services provided to her.
However, it has been learnt that there were no nurses in the ICU between 2:00 pm and 2:45 pm, to administer medical treatment to the woman, and that she died at 2:30 pm. Such messages have been circulated in the KIMS PG students’ WhatsApp group.
The chats have further alleged, that even though there is a rule that the nurses should not be relieved of their duty before staff for the next shift take charge, the nurses on duty had left the hospital, before nurses from the next shift relieved them.
KIMS has asked nursing superintendent Padmavati to submit a report on the nurses who were on duty when the incident took place.
