Kerala Police raids Kochi office of Asianet News: Allegations of spreading fake news; SFI workers have barged into the office

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Asianet News Controversy Vs MLA PV Anwar; Kerala Police Raid At Kochi Office

Kochi2 hours ago

This video has been posted by Asianet News from its Twitter handle. It can be seen that the police is raiding the office.

The Kochi office of Asianet News was raided by the Kerala Police on Sunday. This action is being taken after the complaint of MLA PV Anwar. The MLA has alleged that Asianet has created and spread fake news using a minor girl. In the case, the police have registered a case under various sections including forgery, POCSO.

The statement of the police has not yet come since the raid. Whereas, Asianet News President Rajesh Kalra said that the police is conducting raids in a fabricated case. He said that an attempt is being made to threaten us. Our news group will take legal action against it.

Now understand the whole matter in a sequential manner…

1. CM accuses Asianet of spreading fake news in the assembly
Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said in the assembly that on October 10, 2022, Asianet News had shown a program on the menace of drugs. In this, the channel took a fake interview of a 14-year-old girl. A case has been registered under the POCSO Act against spreading such fake news and involving a minor girl in it. Investigation has also been started in the matter.

2. After CM’s allegation, the channel ran the news with the statement of the minor’s father
After the CM’s statement came in the assembly, Asianet News again ran a news. It contained the statement of the father of the minor girl, in which it was told that the news against drugs was not fake.

3. SFI activists stormed Asianet’s Kochi office

On 3 March, around 30 activists of the Students’ Federation of India (SFI) barged into the Kochi office of Asianet. When the security guard tried to stop him, he pushed and went inside. There SFI workers raised slogans against Asianet and threatened the employees. They were carrying banners and black flags with them. They prevented the employees of Asianet from working. When the police reached the spot, all the workers left the office.

Journalist organizations said – this is an attack on the media
Press Club of India, Delhi Union of Journalists and Kerala Union of Working Journalists have jointly issued the statement. He said that attempts are being made to intimidate the media in the state. This is an attack on the freedom of the press. Organizations said that it is not right to threaten SFI workers by entering the office. It is expected that the Kerala government will take strict action against those who attacked Asianet.

Prakash Javadekar condemned the entry of SFI workers into the media office
BJP leader Prakash Javadekar has condemned the entry of SFI workers into the Asianet office. He said that SFI has attacked Asianet News. There is freedom of press in India. If there is a complaint with any media institution then legal action can be taken, but this kind of violence is wrong. I condemn it. It should not happen.

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