Kerala CM protest in plane: Youth Congress workers raised slogans in protest, CPI(M) bid to attack

Thiruvananthapuram3 hours ago

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Two Youth Congress workers raised slogans against Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan in a flight. Both were wearing black shirts. Vijayan was on his way from Kannur to Thiruvananthapuram on Monday. Youth Congress state vice-president and former MLA KS Sabrinathan released a three-second video on social media in which two workers of the organization are seen raising slogans demanding the resignation of Chief Minister Vijayan.

A person accompanying the chief minister pushed him. In a Facebook post, Sabrinathan alleged that it was senior CPI(M) leader and LDF convener EP Jayarajan who pushed the protesting Youth Congress workers. A CPI(M) leader has alleged that Youth Congress workers were trying to attack Vijayan inside the plane.

The incident took place when the plane landed at Thiruvananthapuram airport.

CM Vijayan has been facing opposition from Congress and BJP workers ever since Swapna Suresh, the main accused in the gold smuggling case, accused the Chief Minister and his family.

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