Kapil Sibal opened front within Congress: Former Union Minister said- Rahul is not the President, yet he takes decisions; G-23 leaders invited to dinner

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After the crushing defeat in 5 states including UP, Punjab, the controversy in the Congress is not taking its name to stop. After the CWC meeting, former Union Minister Kapil Sibal has attacked the Gandhi family, saying that Rahul Gandhi is not the president, yet he takes all the decisions in the party. A person from outside the Gandhi family now needs to be made the president.

According to information received quoting sources, Kapil Sibal has invited G-23 leaders for dinner at his residence on Wednesday. It is believed that further strategy can be discussed in the meeting.

Our focus is on everyone’s Congress, not the Congress of the house
In an interview to The Indian Express, Sibal said that Rahul Gandhi has been the defacto president. He had decided to make CM in Punjab. Tell me, in what capacity did he take this decision? He said that our demand is that instead of the Congress of the house, there should be a Congress of all. I will fight for this till my last breath.

In August 2020, 23 Congress leaders wrote a letter to Sonia Gandhi for reforms in the party.  After the letter went viral, there was a stir in the Congress.

In August 2020, 23 Congress leaders wrote a letter to Sonia Gandhi for reforms in the party. After the letter went viral, there was a stir in the Congress.

Rahul did not reply, Tagore said – speaking the language of the Sangh
Rahul Gandhi did not give any answer to the question of Congress of Sibal’s house. While going to Parliament, Rahul was asked a question about Sibal, but he went ahead without giving an answer. On the other hand, Congress leader Manickam Tagore, close to him, has attacked Sibal. Tagore said that Sibal was speaking the language of the Sangh.

MP Manickam Tagore tweeted saying that Sibal is speaking the language of RSS.  Idea of ​​India cannot be imagined without Congress.

MP Manickam Tagore tweeted saying that Sibal is speaking the language of RSS. Idea of ​​India cannot be imagined without Congress.

Kapil Sibal is a member of G-23 faction
Kapil is a member of the G-23 faction demanding change within the Congress. Recently, a meeting of G-23 members was also held at the residence of Ghulam Nabi Azad after the defeat. However, after the meeting, two G-23 members Ghulam Nabi Azad and Anand Sharma also attended the CWC meeting.

Sonia had offered to resign
After the defeat in 5 states, Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi had offered to resign in the CWC meeting. Sonia Gandhi had said that if you all feel that the Congress is weakening because of the Gandhi family, then I, Rahul and Priyanka are ready to make any sacrifice. However, all the members of CWC including Ghulam Nabi Azad, Anand Sharma rejected it in one voice.

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