Kanam backs Viswam on CPI’s concern over Cong | Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram: CPI state secretary Kanam Rajendran here on Monday endorsed the CPI national secretariat member Binoy Viswam’s statement that CPI doesn’t wish for the disintegration of Congress as Left parties won’t be able to fill the void that will be created by Congress.
“BJP is strong in all states. It is true that Left parties maintain a strong stand against BJP. But, if the Congress is pulverized, Left parties may not be ableto surge ahead in all states. This is what Binoy Viswam said, and it is a fact,” said Kanam.
Chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s statement that only the Left block could emerge as an alternative force against BJP is what CPM thinks. It was quite natural that Vijayan and Viswam have different opinions, said Kanam. “What Pinarayi Vijayan says is CPM’s outlook. He is the politburo member of CPM while Binoy Viswam is a member of CPI national secretariat. They both said the stand of the parties they represent. We remain as two parties because we have different opinions, said Kanam.
However, CPM and CPI share the same outlook when it comes to the political stand on national issues. There could be differences of opinion in its nuances, but the general perception is the same, Kanam said. The CPI state secretary repeated that the state government was bound to clear concerns about the K-Rail project. “Government will do that. No need for more comments on that,” he said.
Rajendran criticized governor Arif Mohammed Khan for recommending DLitt for the Indian President. “DLitt is not something that should be given on recommendation. It’s for the university to decide. Universities have autonomy. No recognition needs to be earned through recommendations,” he said. Kanam reiterated the CPI opinion that the governor post was an unwarranted one.
Kanam also said that criticisms against the police was natural and the home department cannot be judged by such complaints. “Lower-rung officers may still be practicing several wrong things. Such things don’t happen with the knowledge or consent of the home department or the home minister,” he said. “When did the police force not attract criticism?” he asked.
