‘Jumped at Armed Attacker’: Pakistan Hails ‘Hero’ Who May Have Saved Imran’s Life, Caught A Suspect

The man who purportedly caught one of the two suspects who tried to shoot former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has since received wide praise on social media because of his courage and presence of mind.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief sustained three bullet injuries to his leg after an assailant opened fire at his rally on Thursday evening.

The ‘saviour’, identified by some agencies as Ibtisam, told local media that he was at a distance of 10-12 feet from Imran Khan’s container when the gunman launched the attack.

He said that he was watching Imran Khan on the container when he noted the assailant loading his gun.

The suspect, according to Ibtisam, fired one shot at the former PM but he immediately jumped at him, grabbed his hand, and pushed down.

According to him, the attacker bearing an automatic weapon opened fire and a bullet hit another man. Amid the scuffle, he had dropped the weapon.

Ibtisam pursued the suspect and caught him with the help of other participants of the march, he said.

The incident in Gujranwala district, about 200 km from Islamabad, comes just seven months after Imran Khan was ousted as Pakistan’s prime minister after losing a trust vote and the defence establishment’s confidence.

The PTI chief has since then made several scathing comments about the country’s powerful military and intelligence setup.

(With agency inputs)

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