Judge puts India terror attack suspect in US custody – Times of India

LOS ANGELES: A former Chicago businessman will remain in the United States as a federal judge in Los Angeles looks to see if he will be extradited to India for his alleged role in the 2008 Mumbai terror attack, in which more than 160 People were killed.
Tahawwur Rana (tuh-HOU-ur rah-nah), a Pakistani-born Canadian, is wanted by Indian authorities for his alleged involvement in the deadly attacks, sometimes referred to as India’s 9/11. An Indian warrant was issued for his arrest in August 2018.
magistrate Judge Jacqueline Chuljian on Thursday ordered defense lawyers and prosecutors to file additional documents by July 15. Rana will remain in federal custody.
Indian officials allege that Rana conspired with his childhood friend David Coleman headley To aid Pakistani terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, or “Army of the Good”, in organizing the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai that killed 166 people, injured more than 200 and caused $1.5 billion in damage.
Headley and Rana attended Military High School Pakistan Together. Prosecutors say Rana’s immigration law center in Chicago as well as a satellite office in Mumbai were allegedly used as a front for his terrorist activities between 2006 and 2008.
Rana’s lawyers said that his client was not aware of Headley’s terror plot and was only trying to help his childhood friend and set up a business office in Mumbai. He also said that Headley is a serial liar who has deceived the US government several times in several criminal cases and that his testimony should not be considered credible. The lawyers alleged that Headley had used Rana to further his terrorism efforts without Rana’s knowledge.
Rana’s two daughters attended the hearing. He declined to comment, as did his lawyers.
Rana wore a white jumpsuit and black glasses, as well as a mask during the hearing. His legs were tied.
Only one out of 10 terrorists in Mumbai survived the four-day stampede and was tried. He was convicted, sentenced to death in India and hanged.
In 2011, Rana was convicted in federal court in Illinois for conspiracy to provide material support to terrorism in Denmark, for attacking a Danish newspaper in 2005 to retaliate for the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad. to thwart the conspiracy. The cartoon angered many Muslims. Because pictures of the Prophet are banned in Islam.
However, US prosecutors failed to prove that Rana directly supported the Mumbai attacks. Rana’s defense lawyers have said in court documents that since he has been acquitted in the US of charges related to Mumbai, extraditing him to India would amount to double jeopardy.
Rana was sentenced to 14 years in prison in a Denmark-related case, but his sentence was reduced in June 2020 after he claimed he had contracted the coronavirus in a federal California prison, court documents show. He was ordered to be released, but was placed on an immigration detention, so he could not return to Canada to avoid an Indian extradition request.
After pleading guilty to conspiracy to murder, Headley eventually testified against Rana in the Illinois case. As part of his plea, he cannot be extradited to India.


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