Joyjayakar Jadavpur! 9 students got job offers abroad, the salary of many crores of rupees

The triumph of Jadavpur University in the job market. Nine students got job offers from abroad. Nadia Production Engineering student Devarshi Maitra has got a job worth Rs 1 crore 40 at Google in London. The officials of Jadavpur were naturally happy with the success of the university students.

According to Jadavpur University sources, this time various foreign companies have offered jobs to nine people in the campus. That list includes companies like Amazon, Google. Amazon has offered Satyam Kumar an annual package of Rs 1 crore 10 lakh crore. Satyam has been offered a job in Dublin. Students from places like Edinburgh, Madrid and Berlin also get job opportunities in Jadavpur.

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Devarshi, who hails from a remote village in Nadia, has received the most expensive job offer in this year’s campus. The production engineering student will travel to London next September to join Google. Who was one of the faces of the ‘Hok Union’ movement in Jadavpur. In the meantime, he got a job offer of Rs 1.1 crore from Amazon. Devarshi has finally chosen Google. Chirdeep Dey, a fourth year student of Electronics and Telecommunication, got the job opportunity from Amazon.

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The students of Jadavpur have also received job offers from Indian offices of various international organizations. Arit Samanta, a computer science student, has received a job offer from Apple India with an annual package of around Tk 64 lakh. Lakshya Begnani has received the most money offer in India. His annual salary will be 75 lakh rupees. Students of IT department will join the work in Hyderabad next month.

Which students of Jadavpur have received job offers from abroad?

1) Production Engineer: Devarsh Maitra and Kush Mishra.

2) Information Technology: Ritwik Raj and Rupayan Ghosh.

3) Computer Science: Satyam Kumar and Shubham Kumar.

4) Electronics and Telecommunication: Chirdeep Dey, Saikat Chakraborty and Satyaki Das.