J&K: Five Terrorists Of Pakistan-Backed LeT & JeM Killed In Dual Encounters In Pulwama & Budgam

The security forces in Jammu and Kashmir gunned down five terrorists in two seperate attacks in Pulwama and Budgam. Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) commander, Zahid Wani and a Pakistani terrorist were among the five that were eliminated on Sunday.

“Five terrorists including JeM commander terrorist Zahid Wani and a Pakistani terrorist were killed in two encounters in the last 12 hours,” said IGP Kashmir Vijay Kumar to ANI.

Four out of the five were killed in the Naira area of Pulwama district while the remaining one (Pakistani terrorist) was killed in the Chrar-i-Sharief area of Budgam.

“Incriminating materials including an AK 56 rifle recovered. Search is going on,’ said police.

The encounter in the Pulwama area began at around 8 pm on Saturday while the Budgam operation started late in the night on Saturday. This is the second such operation in the last 15 days.

Last Saturday (January 22), a militant was gunned down by security forces during an encounter in Jammu and Kashmir’s Shopian region.

In the week before that, a Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorist and a policeman were killed during an encounter in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kulgam district.
