JEE Advanced 2023 Today, Check Exam-Day Guidelines To Follow

Candidates with a JEE Main 2023 rank of less than 2,50,000 were allowed to register for JEE Advanced 2023(Representative Image)

JEE Advanced 2023 is split into two shifts and papers taking place during the morning shift from 9 AM to noon and afternoon shift from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM

The National Testing Agency (NTA) and the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati are gearing up to conduct the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2023 session today, June 4. JEE Advanced 2023 is split into two shifts and papers. Paper 1 will take place during the morning shift from 9 AM to noon, and Paper 2 will take place during the afternoon shift from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Additionally, attendance in both papers is mandatory.

Candidates with a JEE Main 2023 rank of less than 2,50,000 were allowed to register for JEE Advanced 2023. On May 29, the NTA issued the JEE Advanced admit card. Candidates’ names, application numbers, dates of birth, signatures, exam dates, pictures, and exam centre information will all be included on the JEE Advanced admit card.

JEE Advanced 2023: What To Carry?

The only items that may be carried into the examination facility are pens, pencils, transparent bottles of water, admit card, and an original photo ID card.

According to the guidelines, candidates will not be permitted to take the exam unless they have their admit card. Those who do not have a valid admit card and authorised photo ID (Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport or School/College/Institute ID) will not be allowed to take the exam under any circumstances.

JEE Advanced 2023: Exam Day Guidelines

  1. Students are recommended to arrive at the centre of the exam two hours before the JEE Advanced begins. Candidates who arrive at the centre late will not be allowed to take the test.
  2. Using unfair techniques to conceal communication equipment such as a microchip, camera, Bluetooth device, etc., or impersonation in the test is prohibited and may result in legal action.
  3. All electronic devices, printed, handwritten or blank paper, log tables, writing pads, scales, erasers, geometry/pencil boxes, pouches, calculators, pen drives, electronic pens/scanners, wallets, handbags, cameras, goggles, and similar items are prohibited.
  4. Before entering the examination centre, all applicants will be subjected to comprehensive and mandatory frisking.
  5. Wearing charms/taweez, metal goods such as rings, bracelets, earrings, nose pins, chains/necklaces, pendants, badges, brooches, and garments with large buttons are not recommended. Candidates should wear open footwear such as chappals or sandals.
  6. No additional time will be granted to candidates to finish the exam.
  7. Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination hall before 12:00 PM for Paper 1 and 5:30 PM for Paper 2 of the exam.