Iran’s eyes on Kashmiri apples: Iranian apples coming to the Indian market illegally, 30 million boxes of Kashmiri apples could not be sold

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  • Iranian Apples Coming To The Indian Market Illegally, 30 Million Boxes Of Kashmiri Apples Could Not Be Sold

Srinagar35 minutes agoAuthor: Mudassir Kullu

The horticulture industry, which is called the backbone of the Kashmir economy, is in trouble. The reason is the illegal entry of Iranian apples into the Indian market. Due to the arrival of Iranian apples in the market, 30 million boxes of Kashmiri apples have not been sold this time. Horticulture farmers have demanded Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s intervention in this matter.

7 lakh families are directly and indirectly connected with horticulture in Kashmir. This is 7% of the GDP of Kashmir. Fruits are cultivated on 3.38 lakh hectares of land in the valley. Of these, apples are grown on 1.62 lakh hectares. Last year fruit farmers had to suffer due to storms and strong winds and now the new threat is becoming apples coming from Iran.

Fear of loss of 400 crores
Apples coming from Iran are cheap and they are coming in the market very fast, due to which the demand for Kashmiri apples has reduced considerably. Nasrullah of Anantnag, an apple grower, says that 30 million boxes of Kashmiri apples could not be sold due to the arrival of Iranian apples in India. If immediate steps are not taken, the apple growers and its traders will suffer a loss of 400 crores.

Mukeet Ahmed, a farmer from Baramulla, says that a box of high-quality apples from Kashmir sold for Rs 1,200 last year. This time they have to sell for Rs 600 due to fall in sales. The demand for Kashmiri apples has reduced significantly in the country. Tajmul Ahmed of Anantnag says that he used to earn 8 lakhs annually from apple cultivation and this year the demand has reduced because of Iranian apples. Only 1.5 lakh has been earned.

Small and medium farmers in crisis
The Kashmir Valley Fruit Growers and Dealers Union has written a letter to the Prime Minister in this regard. He said that due to illegal sale of Iranian apples, there is a lot of loss. Kashmir is the largest apple producer in the world and 70% of the population of Jammu and Kashmir depends on it. It is the backbone of the economy of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal.

100% duty should be imposed on import of Iranian apples
The union said that 1.50 crore apple boxes are in cold storage. Apart from these, 1.5 crore boxes are lying in the godowns of small and medium producers. Some apple traders are bringing Iranian apples to our market. These apples are coming through Dubai and Afghanistan and this is reducing our share in the fruit market. Iranian apples are being brought in illegally.

It is very dangerous for small and medium farmers. Due to this, the revenue is also suffering a lot. Illegal entry of Iranian apples in the Indian market should be banned. 100% import duty should be imposed on Iranian apples entering the Indian market.

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