International Widows Day 2023: Date, theme, history, significance and other important details

Image Source : INSTAGRAM International Widows Day 2023: Know date, theme, history and other details

International Widows Day is observed annually on June 23rd to raise awareness about the plight of widows worldwide. Losing a spouse is a difficult experience that can result in a lot of emotional and financial challenges for the surviving spouse. Many widows around the world are marginalised and face poverty, discrimination, and social exclusion. This can make it difficult for them to access basic healthcare, education, and legal services. International Widows Day aims to recognise the struggles of widows globally and to promote the importance of supporting and empowering them. Here we’ll discuss the significance of World Widows Day, the challenges faced by widows, and how we can all do our part to support them.

History of International Widows Day

International Widows Day was celebrated in 2005 for the first time by an NGO named Loomba Foundation. The main aim of starting this day was to empower widows globally.  However, the United Nations also officially declared International Widows Day on December 21, 2010.

The Theme of International Widows Day 2023

Every year, the United Nations announces a new theme for International Widows Day to raise awareness about the difficulties faced by widows all across the world. This year, the theme of the day is “Innovation and Technology for gender equality”.

Significance of International Widows Day

The significance of Widows Day is to recognize the prevalence of widowhood around the world as it is an important step in addressing the challenges faced by widows and their families. By raising awareness of the issues and advocating for change, we can help to create a more supportive and inclusive society for all women.

As a society, we must do more to support widows globally. This includes providing financial assistance, education, and resources to help them rebuild their lives. We must also work to change the negative stigma associated with being a widow and support widows in their journey towards healing and finding a new normal. To achieve these goals, we must all take action. We can start by spreading awareness of International Widows Day and the issues faced by widows. Additionally, we can donate to organizations that support widows, or volunteer our time to help widows in your community.

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