Indonesia: Teacher tonsures at least 14 female students for not wearing hijab ‘properly’ in classroom

Image Source : AP Representational Image

In a shocking incident, a school teacher in Indonesia partially tonsured more than a dozen female students for not wearing hijab properly– a black coloured headscarf, wrapped around the head and worn by Muslim women. 

According to the reports, a teacher at state-owned junior high school SMPN 1 in the East Java town of Lamongan forced at least 14 Muslim students to shave their hair partially. The headmaster said that the school apologised to the students and their parents and added the teacher was sacked following the media reports.

Notably, Indonesia banned wearing hijabs in school in 2021 but the activists claimed both Muslim and non-Muslim girls have been forced to wear the black headscarf in conservative regions of the archipelago. 

However, the headmaster underscored that there was no compulsion for students to wear hijab on school premises. But, they were told to wear inner caps under their headscarves in order to look neat and clean.  

It is worth mentioning in a similar incident in Iran, a 21-year-old Muslim woman, Mahasa Amini, was allegedly killed by “Moral Police” in custody for not wearing hijab properly on roads. This led to widespread protests in the country for months.

This is a developing story. More details ill be added.

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