Indigo flight reached Pak air-space: weather turned bad after flight from Amritsar airport; Moved to Ahmedabad after 31 minutes

Amritsar9 minutes ago

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Indigo flight number 6E645 reached Pakistan airspace after taking off from Punjab’s Amritsar airport. The flight remained in Pakistani air-space for about 31 minutes and then returned to the safe Indian air-space. This happened due to bad weather and due to international rules Pakistan had to give space.

According to the information received, the flight of Indigo had taken off from Amritsar Airport to Ahmedabad at 8.01 minutes Indian time on Saturday night. But within a few minutes the weather turned bad. Down with the wind the flight had to go into Pakistan airspace. According to the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority, the flight strayed into Pakistan near Lahore and went to Gujranwala.

According to the Pakistan flight radar, the Indigo aircraft entered the north of Lahore at around 8 pm (Indian time) with a speed of 454 knots and returned to India at 8:31 pm (Indian time).

Pak space is not being used since 4 years
Four years ago, after the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan had closed its airspace for Indian aircraft. Since then till now India does not use Pakistan airspace. But in this situation Pakistan had to give its air space. This situation was not normal. In the event of bad weather, “according to international rules, no country can refuse to give its air space.

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