Indian Air Force will be self-sufficient: 6 squadrons of Light Combat Aircraft Mark 2 fighter jets will soon join, the number will increase when production starts

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Indian Air Force; Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari On Air Force’s LCA Mark 2 Fighter Jets

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The Indian Air Force is supporting the indigenous fighter aircraft program. Recently Air Chief Marshal VR Choudhary said that the Indian Air Force is already about to procure six squadrons of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Mark 2. More number of orders will be placed once production starts.

Air Force has ordered for Mark 1A

The IAF has already placed orders for four squadrons of Light Combat Aircraft LCA Mark 1A. That is to include at least seven squadrons of 5’th Generation Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), which will be put into operation very fast. The LCA Mark 2 fighter aircraft will replace the Mirage 2000 and Jaguar fighters after a decade.

Will also include these for strength
According to Air Chief Marshal Chaudhary, only aircraft made under the Make in India scheme will be included in the Indian Air Force in future. These include LCA Mark 1A, LCA Mark 2, 114 multirole fighter aircraft with AMCA. IAF has also decided that in future all surface-to-air weapon systems will be made in India. However, a large number of indigenous radars have already been deployed in the operational area.

Chinese army furious with our vigil on LAC
Air Force Chief VR Choudhary had told about the Chinese soldiers provoking the Indian Army on the LAC. He said- “We keep an eye on all the activities happening on the LAC. Whenever we feel that Chinese aircraft are coming very close to the LAC, we keep our fighter planes and our systems on high alert. This frightened them. Although I can’t give any specific reason why they are doing this. We are taking action by sending our fighters there.”

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