Increasing obesity among women of southern states: Tamil Nadu has the highest increase of 9.5%, Muslim women on top among those suffering from obesity

Hyderabada few moments ago

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Obesity is increasing rapidly among women in the southern states of India. For this, the Council of Social Development, Hyderabad has also done a study. Researchers say that Tamil Nadu has the highest number of women suffering from obesity. At the same time, Telangana has the least number of women in the obese category.

Study on women from 120 districts
For this research, data from National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 4 and 5 were compared. These figures were from 2019 to 2021. The knowledge of women aged 15 to 49 years was assessed in the study. For this 31 districts of Telangana, 30 in Karnataka, 13 in Andhra Pradesh, 14 in Kerala and 32 in Tamil Nadu were included.

Researchers found that obesity among women in Tamil Nadu increased by 9.5%. Also in Karnataka and Kerala this figure is 6.9% and 5.7%. The increase in women suffering from obesity in Telangana is the lowest at 2%.

women are more fat than men
The study also found that at the national level, nearly a quarter of women (24%) are obese. The figure is slightly lower (22.9%) in men. The research also compared women living in urban and rural areas. The results show that women living in cities are more fat.

Muslim women are more obese
Nationally, 31.2% of Christian women are obese, according to the study. However, if we talk about the southern states, then there is more obesity among Muslim women. According to the researchers, this situation is worrying because obesity is much higher in southern states than the national average.

In the research, obesity in women was also analyzed on the basis of caste. Nationally, obesity is 29.6% in Others, 24.6% in Other Backward Classes, 21.6% in Scheduled Castes and 12.6% in Scheduled Tribes. At the national level, obesity among women has increased by 3.3%.

What is obesity according to WHO?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is a condition in which excess fat accumulates in our body. This increases the risk of many serious diseases, such as heart disease and type-2 diabetes.

People whose body mass index (BMI) is more than 25 are called overweight and those whose BMI is more than 30 are said to be obese. BMI is a metric system used to measure overweight and underweight of a person.

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