Ice Holi in minus 15 degree temperature: Mathi Khogla festival in Lahaul-Spiti, Himachal, people of Madgran rubbed snow on their bare bodies

keylongOne hour ago

Holi was celebrated by rubbing snow on the bare body in minus 15 degrees in Keylong, Lahaul Spiti, Himachal. Instead of colours, people here use ice. This Holi was played in Udaipur village including Madgran of Lahaul. Mathi Khogla was celebrated on Sunday, the second day of Halda, the festival of torches. People were seen throwing snow on each other and rubbing snow on their bodies.

The person who is being rubbed with snow is first carried on a wooden palanquin to the pile of snow. After that many people together rubbed ice on his body. This unique tradition was earlier celebrated in every village, but with time people moved away from this tradition. Now this traditional festival is celebrated only in a few villages.

It is believed that by this festival, mutual estrangement is ended and brotherhood is taught. In Madagran, elders were also seen playing Mathi Khogla like the youth.

People bathing a young man with ice in Mudgran.

People running after western civilization
Madgran’s youth Motilal, Bir Singh, Mahendra say that in this era of materialism, the competition to move forward by leaving each other behind has destroyed such a unique and rich tradition. If seen in true sense, people are running after western civilization instead of their original culture and traditions. Therefore, festivals and celebrations in the tribal areas have now become mere formalities.

Said that through these festivals we come emotionally closer to each other.

Daughter-in-law used to play mathi khogla with father-in-law
The elders tell that earlier the daughter-in-law used to play snow Holi with the father-in-law. First thing in the morning, the daughter-in-law used to rub the father-in-law with snow and follow the tradition of Mathi Khogla. Motilal of Madgran told that Mathi Khogla is actually a tradition to forget enmity and strengthen friendship. On the day of Mathi Khogla, forgetting the old enmity, people throw snow on each other.

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