Hyderabad: LB Nagar underpass to be ready by Feb-end

Hyderabad: Metamorphosing the road infrastructure like never before and easing the driving conditions for motorists in different parts of the city, the State government’s flagship project Strategic Road Development Plan (SRDP) is all set to acquire one more component.

The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), which has taken up different projects under the SRDP on a war footing basis, is now readying an underpass at one of the busiest junctions of the city at LB Nagar. The three-lane unidirectional LB Nagar Right Hand Side (RHS) is now getting ready to facilitate a smooth flow of traffic by February-end.

The project is being built by the GHMC with an estimated cost of Rs 14.86 crore. The 490 metre-long and 12.87 metre-wide underpass aims to ease traffic coming from Uppal to Owaisi junction, saving commute time and vehicle operating cost.

While the new facility will ease the traffic moving towards the Owaisi junction coming from Uppal, for the traffic moving in the opposite direction, the LB Nagar LHS underpass was already built and opened in May 2020. One of the city’s key junctions, LB Nagar teems with vehicular traffic the entire day and most part of the night too. The new facility, the officials from GHMC pointed out, will help in streamlining not only the local traffic but also the vehicular movement that flows in day and night from neighbouring districts and States.

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