How is non-surgical hair growth treatment useful in women suffering from hair loss due to PCOS?

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How is non-surgical hair growth treatment useful in women suffering from hair loss due to PCOS?

PCOS is a problem that lasts for a lifetime. It is a metabolic disorder and it is something that is related to your internal metabolic and hormonal health. In addition, your overall health is affected by PCOS. This includes not only your endocrine issues but also your external well being. A person suffering from PCOD may have internal hormonal problems which are always reflected through excessive growth of skin, hair and body acne, acne on the face, baldness or even in the wrong direction on the body. Baldness due to PCOS can be very painful for most women as you know that hair is the real crown for all women.

PCOS is a very ongoing problem and it is a condition that can take a lot of time. There may even be stages where PCOD may progress or get better on its own. So, for patients suffering from this, non-surgical hair growth is the only savior as surgical hair transplants do not really give good results and also because many hair transplant treatments will not solve the problem. Non-surgical hair growth treatments involve no downtime and mostly provide zero side effects. It takes a lot of time which makes it even more helpful for better results. Also, surgical treatment is not possible in women as all your hair has to be shaved during surgery or hair transplant, whereas with non-surgical treatment you can continue with the same hairstyle and lifestyle. Thus, you do not need to compromise on your hair for a non-surgical treatment.

Most of the non-surgical methods are non-invasive methods and are just office hours procedures which hardly take 10-15 minutes. Some treatments are platelet rich plasma therapy, mesotherapy, laser light therapy and for people with mild cases, only medications work as well.

The outcome of these non-surgical treatments depends on the experience of the doctor treating you. Most non-surgical treatments have the advantage that they do not have to use anything that is too sharp or painful or painful. Mesotherapy takes hardly two minutes and the pain also does not last more than two minutes. Apart from this, we do non-surgical hair growth booster therapy which is my signature treatment and is showing excellent results in all patients along with being a savior for many women suffering from hair fall problem. Non-surgical hair growth boosters have really changed and improved the lives of many women suffering from hair loss and baldness.

In order to properly diagnose the line of treatment for women with PCOS, certain tests must be done. Some of them include ultra-sonography, testosterone testing, and other hormonal tests to check your estrogen and progesterone.

Some remedies that are non-surgical should always be done in consultation with your doctor.

When there are non-surgical treatments, whether it is PRP or laser light treatments, hair growth boosters, mesotherapy treatments or even just using medications, patients with PCOS need to understand that undergoing these surgeries Along with that it is important to take good care of your lifestyle which includes exercising at least two or three times a week for at least 30 minutes and with less carbs and more protein for better results. A good diet should be followed.

(Credit of this article is given to Dr. Stuti Khare Shukla, MD Dermatologist Hair Growth Queen of India)

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not reflect the views of India TV)


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