How do ultrasonic bubble detectors work?

The ultrasonic bubbles are vital in the medical industry, especially in the blood transfusion and Kidney dialysis process. In both the processes the bubble sensor is vital as we need to maintain a specific level of pressure during the blood transfusion or during the kidney dialysis. The bubble detector is ultrasonic in its working and can detect the tiniest changes in the pressure in the pipes. This is critical in the process like kidney dialysis and blood transfusion in the patients. For the mechanical process there two types of bubble detectors are used: the AX3X and AX1X detectors. The composition and the construction of both AX3X and AX1X families are different in their work.

The  AX3X family sensor:

The AX3X  bubble sensor is specifically designed to have complete control over the process. Each model of  AX3X  has two kinds of outputs: the TTL and the PNP output. There two types of indicators are installed in each  AX3X: the green and red LED indicators. When we have the red signal it means we do require the reduction or increase of the pressure in the pipe. The green signal demonstrates the process is running smoothly.

green LED output indicator. Or whether the test function is enabled or disabled. The  AX3X family sensor makes the dialysis process easy and nonpainful for the patients. This is essential because kidney patients aren’t able to bear the pain due to a weak immune system. The AX3X family sensor is widely used by doctors and medical specialists.

The  AX1X family sensor:

The AX1X family sensor is a new kind of bubble sensor for the ultrasonic bubble. These are specially designed to specifically designed to produce more efficient results. The  AX1X family sensor includes the most requested feature, the testing feature, and enables the faculty to work on the sensor. We can maintain a wide and long-range of cable length without changing the basic input voltage of 3.3 VDC during the transmission. 

These added features increase the efficiency of the bubble sensor and now companies are using the high-tech AX1X family sensor. The other thing which is critical is the performance of the AX1X family sensor is most consitgentant as compared to the AX3X family sensor.

 The working of the  bubble sensor:

 This critical pressure and flow rate is established by bubble testing. If a slow or fast rate is involved then it can be fatal for the life of the patients. The detector is vital for the dialysis of the kidney. In the dialysis process, we are actually washing the kidney by creating the desired level of pressure to wash the kidney. If more pressure is applied it can rupture the capillaries of the kidney. This can be life-threatening for kidney patients.


The role of bubble detection is critical for successfully dialyzing the kidney. The air detector sensor is installed in the piping equipment for the dialysis process to conduct process. We ensure the applied pressure during the whole process of kidney dialysis. The