‘House Worked Below Potential’: As Parliament Session Ends Amid Logjam, Venkaiah Naidu Asks MPs to Introspect

In the backdrop of continuous disruptions in the winter session of the Parliament and both Houses being adjourned sine die on Wednesday, Vice president and Rajya Sabha chairman Venkaiah Naidu said that the house worked “below its potential”.

“You all need to think how we could have made it better. Whatever has happened was wrong,” Naidu added. Both the houses of the Parliament were adjourned sine die on Wednesday.

“I urge you to introspect and reflect how this session could have been different and better,” he said in the Upper House.

The winter session of Parliament was wrecked by multiple episodes of ruckus that led to a series of adjournment motions. The session commenced on November 29.

On Tuesday, Trinamool Congress MP Derek O’Brien was suspended from Rajya Sabha for the remaining part of the Winter Session for “unruly behaviour” in the House. The MP has been accused of throwing a Rajya Sabha rule book at the Chair. Sasmit Patra, who was in the Chair, said the TMC MP had raised a point of order and the deputy chairman duly responded to it.

A little later, O’Brien flung the rule book furiously in the direction of the Chair, Patra observed. “The rule book would have hit the chair, or secretary-general or officials sitting at the table,” he said.

Twelve Rajya Sabha MPs were suspended for the rest of the 2021 Winter Session right on its first day for “complete abuse of rules of the House” and “violent behaviour” during the preceding Monsoon Session of Parliament earlier this year. This led to continuous protests led by Opposition MPs throughout the winter session.

The Houses of Parliament can often be witness to tumultuous scenes and can see matters get out of hand as members lock horns on contentious issues. It is the duty of the Speaker of Lok Sabha and the Chair in Rajya Sabha to ensure order and they are vested with certain powers to ensure that decorum is maintained during proceedings, suspension of members being one of them.

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