Honor killing in Hyderabad: Father saw step daughter talking on phone late at night, strangled her in anger

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A case of honor killing has come to the fore in Hyderabad. Here a father strangled his step daughter to death. Actually, Mohammad Taufiq saw daughter Yasmin talking to someone on the phone at 1 am on Sunday night. Enraged by this, the father strangled the daughter to death. Taufeeq lived with his second wife and two step-daughters in Bakram area of ​​the city. There was a sound coming from Yasmin’s room late Sunday night at 1 am, when Taufiq went to the room, it was found that the 17-year-old daughter was talking to someone on the phone.

In this photo, the accused is with his second wife and both the step-daughters.

In this photo, the accused is with his second wife and both the step-daughters.

On this the father snatched the mobile from the daughter and asked her to unlock the phone. When Yasmin refused, there was a lot of argument between the two. Enraged by this, the father killed the daughter by strangling her.

Surrendered in the police station after killing the daughter
After the murder of the daughter, Taufiq went to the police station at 6 am and informed the police about the matter and surrendered. Musheerabad Police Inspector Jahangir Yadav said that a case has been registered against the accused. The police have taken the body into custody and sent it for postmortem.

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