HIV treatment found after cancer: Research claims – only one dose of vaccine will end the disease; Learn how it works

Tel Aviv2 hours ago

After cancer, now scientists have also found a cure for a deadly disease like HIV/AIDS. Researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel have succeeded in creating such a vaccine, whose only one dose can eliminate the virus in the body.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. The virus is believed to have been transferred from chimpanzees to humans in the 20th century. It is a sexually transmitted disease and can be spread through contact with patient’s semen, vaginal fluid and blood. At present, there is no permanent cure available for this.

How was the vaccine made?

Gene editing technology has been used in this HIV vaccine.

Scientists have made this vaccine with the help of gene editing technology. Currently it has been tested on rats. Type B white blood cells (white blood cells) were used in the vaccine. These develop antibodies that fight the HIV virus in the immune system. Significantly, the immune system of patients suffering from this disease becomes very weak and is not able to fight the virus on its own.

Researchers say that the antibodies made from this drug are safe and powerful. Apart from infectious diseases, it can also be useful in humans in recovering from cancer and other autoimmune diseases.

How does the vaccine work?

As soon as the virus is encountered by the cells that have been changed by gene editing, the cells become dominant over it.

As soon as the virus is encountered by the cells that have been changed by gene editing, the cells become dominant over it.

Type B white blood cells increase immunity against viruses and bacteria in our body. They reach different organs through the veins. Now scientists have started making changes in them with the help of gene editing technology CRISPR. Due to this, as soon as the virus is encountered from the changed cells, the cells become dominant over it.

What is CRISPR Technology?

CRISPR is a gene editing technology that can be used to genetically modify the cells of viruses, bacteria or humans. Researchers believe that in the next few years, permanent treatment for AIDS and cancer can come in the market.

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