Higher reaches of Uttarakhand receive heavy snowfall

Image Source : PTI/ REPRESENTATIONAL (FILE). Winter sets in, higher reaches of Uttarakhand receive heavy snowfall.


  • Winter sets in as the higher reaches of Uttarakhand received snowfall recently
  • The last outpost near China border in Uttarakhand’s Darma Valley received 3rd snowfall of season
  • Cold increased in 14 villages of Darma valley & 7 villages of Vyas valley in high Himalayan region

Snowfall in Uttarakhand: The last outpost near the China border in the Darma Valley of Uttarakhand received the third snowfall of this season. As there has been more than one foot of snow here, the cold has increased in 14 villages of Darma valley and seven villages of Vyas valley in the high Himalayan region.

The Darma Valley, the last outpost near the China border, has received about 1 foot of snow in the low-lying area and more than four feet of snowfall in the mountains at an altitude of 17,500 feet.

In extreme circumstances, security force personnel are engaged in protecting the border from the last checkpoints. When the weather cleared on Monday (October 3), the security forces patrolled the border.

More than one foot of snowfall has also occurred in Dhaka and Bidang Chowki located at an altitude of more than 10,000 feet in Darma Valley. Due to the snowfall of October 2, 14 villages in the high Himalayan Darma valley and seven villages in the Beas valley have caused bitter cold.

In both the valleys, people have also started harvesting palti, paffar and other crops. People from both the valleys will start coming to the lower valley from the first week of November.

On October 2, there was snowfall in the Jyolicang, Nabhidhang, Om Parvat, Adi Kailash and the famous Panchachuli peak of the Beas Valley as it rained in the lower valley.

(With ANI inputs)

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