Here Is How You Can Deal With An Itchy And Dry Scalp Like A Pro

Edited By: Shreeja Bhattacharya

Last Updated: December 28, 2022, 4:11 PM IST

The first step to curb an itchy and dry scalp is to swap out chemical products for natural alternatives. (Image: Shutterstock)

A dry and itchy scalp is among the most common problems faced by individuals today.

There are several reasons that ultimately lead to a dry and itchy scalp, such as chemical-based hair care products, lifestyle inadequacies, weather conditions, and skin diseases. Our contribution to increasing environmental aggressors and regular application of chemical-based products don’t make it any easier for our scalp to repair and protect itself. So what can one do in order to prevent this common yet vexing problem?

Here are a few effective and efficient tips for dealing with an itchy and dry scalp.

Swap Out the Chemical Products for Natural Alternatives

Hair care is often wrongly limited to shampoo and conditioner. Even so, the hair and scalp require just as much attention as the skin. The first step to curb an itchy and dry scalp is to swap out chemical products for natural alternatives. This is paramount as the chemicals present in these hair care products are known to dry out the scalp and cause inflammation, which leads to irritation and itching. Opting for a natural hemp seed oil-infused shampoo bar can rescue you from a lot of dryness and itching. Hemp seed oil is known to be extremely hydrating and salubrious. It can incorporate much-needed moisture and lock that moisture into your scalp, preventing itchiness, flakiness, dryness, and even dandruff.

A Weekly Hair Oil Massage

Hair oiling has been an integral part of Indian hair care processes since time immemorial. It is an extremely healthful method of reducing itchiness and dryness, incorporating essential nutrients into your hair and scalp, improving blood flow, increasing hair growth, and reducing hair fall. Using a beneficial oil like Hemp with Avocado Hair Oil or Hemp with Argan Hair Oil for your massages can enhance the experience and the results multifold.

Avoid Frequent Scalding Showers

Nobody is a stranger to hot showers. They’re relaxing, and comfortable, and do provide certain benefits. However, extremely hot showers tend to further dry out the scalp and hair, causing dryness, itchiness, and flakiness along the way. These showers eventually result in brittle hair, leading to hair fall and breakage. The occasional hot shower must be accompanied by a pre-shampoo and post-shampoo hair mask using an Argan Rosemary Hair Cream or an Argan Peppermint Hair Cream, both infused with Hemp Seed Oil. These combinations help protect your hair and scalp from the harmful effects of the scalding shower while allowing you to enjoy the comfort and benefits of it.

Avoid the Hot Air from Hair Dryers

“Hair dryers are a common household item nowadays. They provide a convenience far too appealing to avoid. But it is absolutely necessary that one reduces their exposure to hot hair dryer air. This air dries out the hair and scalp, causing dandruff, inflammation, and itchiness, and can even cause scalp burns,” says Namrata Reddy Sirupa, Cofounder of Satliva.

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