Here are 8 reasons why people go to gym that has nothing to do about being fit

Published: Published Date – 04:38 PM, Sat – 4 June 22

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Hyderabad: We all know someone who hits the gym quite frequently and believes in ‘sweating it out’. Have you all wondered, why? Well, one of the most obvious reasons would be to maintain good physical health. But legend has it, there is nothing that simple, especially in this filtered reality we showcase on social media.

Read along as we take a look at some subliminal advantages of going to the gym, according to millennials and gen-z.

You feel good

If there is anything that all the gym-goers would unanimously agree on, it is that they ‘feel good’ about going to the gym. More than the actual physical gain, the realization that we are taking care of our bodies is what makes us feel good.

Gym Pictures

Anybody active on social media has come across Malaika Arora’s gym pictures at least once. With the growing trend of gym-fit pictures, if one goes to the gym only for them but is forced to work out along the way, it’s a fair deal.

Boost to self-esteem

Imagine yourself rocking a well-fit bodycon dress. Getting that fit by going to the gym daily definitely boosts our self-esteem. Though this whole ‘be in shape’ phenomenon has undermined different body types, a growing number of people are adapting to it.

Mental Health

The current generation is sensitive toward mental health. One of the many ways youngsters adapt to deal with it is by hitting the gym. For many, working out releases stress. Some even go to the lengths of saying that it gives them peace.


If one achieved muscular biceps and toned legs by going to the gym regularly, why not just show it off. After all, it is hours of hard work and dedication. A growing number of youngsters share their transformation journey on social media and enjoy online validation.


For today’s generation, spending time with themselves is a must. Many also allot time to just unwind and have their me-time. Going to the gym as a part of that is a great idea. Plugin your earphones, get on the treadmill, and just be.

Let the steam off

With global warming, wars, and all the horrible news we consume all day, one can build things up internally. Apart from that, we all have our battles to fight. A high-intensity workout seems to be working for a lot of people to let that steam off.

To socialise

Many consider gyms to be a place where there is a strong possibility to find like-minded people. Some people, who meet at the gym, go from being workout-out buddies to BFFs for life. Also, a great place to build contacts.

Whether you go to the gym to become physically fit or for any of the aforementioned reasons, a must-remember tip is to love yourself. There is nothing wrong with wanting to change your body. But if that comes at a bearing cost, our ‘janhit mein jaari’ advice – hands off the wheel.

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