Hearing the screams of girls after sexual harassment: would cut off the tongues of innocent people; Death given to 60, the only rapist who got life imprisonment twice

Jaipur2 hours agoWriter: Ranvir Choudhary

A copy, on the front page of which was a sketch of the girlfriend. The name was written below… Shahnaz. On the last page of this copy, the boyfriend had made a sketch of himself.

Today in Sunday Story talk about the most dreaded serial rapist of Rajasthan. Whose family members named Sikandar, but his misdeeds gave him a new name…Bacterium aka Virus.

More than 65 rapes and sexual harassment, murder in 19 years. Due to this list of crimes, the name of the bacterium is included in the list of selected notorious criminals, who were sentenced to life imprisonment after two years. Another case is going on on the bacterium, in which Victim and his family are demanding hanging.

Even after life imprisonment, the wickedness of the bacterium did not end. The bacterium, which sexually harassed innocent children, is now sexually exploiting other criminals in the closed boundary wall of the jail. The bacterium has given such a disease to many innocent children and criminals, which will not leave them till their last breath.

The Bhaskar team talked to half a dozen police officers, more than 25 victims and their families, who prepared the warrants for the crimes of the bacteria, then the heart-wrenching story of the crimes of the bacteria came to the fore…

First crime of drug addict bacterium at the age of 12
ACP (Jhotwada) Pramod Swamy said that Sikandar alias Bacteri (37), who lived in a rented room near the barber’s thadi in the city, was of a criminal mind since childhood. Her father got married again and was fed up with her antics and threw her out of the house.

After being evicted from the house, at the age of 12, Sikandar entered the world of crime by committing the first theft. Due to the addiction of smack and alcohol, Sikandar committed many incidents one after the other.

Graphics : Tarun Sharma

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