Happy Birthday Rahul Gandhi: Rajiv had recorded Rahul’s first voice in the camera, Indira used to come home to caress her grandson in the middle of Parliament session

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  • Rajiv Had Recorded Rahul’s First Voice In The Camera, Indira Used To Come Home To Caress Her Grandson In The Middle Of Parliament Session.

13 minutes agoWriter: Rajesh Sahu

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Congress MP Rahul Gandhi turned 52 today. Rahul was born on 19 June 1970 in Delhi. Regarding the ongoing protest of youth regarding Agneepath, he has forbidden Congress workers from celebrating any kind of birthday on the occasion of his birthday. Prior to this, he had also decided not to celebrate his 50th and 51st birthdays due to the deaths of Corona and Milkha Singh.

Today we talk about Rahul Gandhi’s birthday in the character and story of politics. The circumstances of that time and the initial upbringing. First born.

Rahul was born in Delhi not in Italy
On 17 June 1970, Sonia Gandhi was admitted to Holy Family Hospital in Safdarganj, Delhi. Rajiv Gandhi was also present along with a special team of doctors for care. According to the report given by the doctors earlier, the child may be born in the last week of June. But on June 19, Sonia Gandhi gave birth to a healthy baby boy. It was Rahul.

Rahul was born in Delhi itself.  BJP's Subramanian Swamy keeps questioning his citizenship.

Rahul was born in Delhi itself. BJP’s Subramanian Swamy keeps questioning his citizenship.

Rajiv Gandhi was present in the same room with the doctors when Rahul was born. It was a strange thing at the time. When Rahul was born, Rajiv took out his camera and recorded the voice before crying. After this he took care of the child and fed the mother’s milk. When the news of Sonia Gandhi having a son was received by the then Prime Minister and her mother-in-law Indira Gandhi, she also reached the Holy Family Hospital.

Indira gave the decision regarding the name
After leaving the hospital, Rajiv and Sonia left for home with their newborn child, there was a crowd of people on both sides of the road. When I reached the house on Safdarganj Road, about 2 thousand people had gathered there. A sadhu Maharaj had come to the house to prepare the son’s horoscope. Indira Gandhi suggested the name of the child, Rahul.

She said, “I wanted to name my son Rahul, but father Jawaharlal Nehru liked the name Rajiv, so he asked to name it.” Indira Gandhi was greatly influenced by Gautam Buddha. Hence the name of the child was suggested after the name of Buddha’s son Rahul. After Rajiv, Sonia Gandhi also agreed to the name.

Sonia Gandhi also wanted to name her son Rajiv as Rahul, but Nehru suggested the name Rajiv.

Sonia Gandhi also wanted to name her son Rajiv as Rahul, but Nehru suggested the name Rajiv.

The family is not religious, yet Rahul is shaved
The Gandhi family was not religious. With the birth of Rahul, the whole system changed. After 3 weeks of birth, Rahul Gandhi’s shaving ceremony was performed with full rituals. Some hair was left in the middle of the head. Because according to tradition this is what has to be done.

Indira Gandhi used to get up from the middle of the Parliament session and come to meet Rahul.
In the book The Red Sari, Javier Moro writes, “Indira Gandhi loved Rahul very much. Such was her attachment that she used to take time out between the Parliament sessions to visit Rahul. She would get pleasure from caressing her grandson. Say, it looks like Rajiv.

When Rahul went to Italy for the first time, there was no place for Nana’s happiness.
Sonia Gandhi went to Italy for the first time after Rahul was five months old. On reaching the airport, Sonia’s nose smelled of delicious coffee. Father Stefano Mayne was waiting impatiently when she reached home from the airport. Sonia reached and handed Rahul to her mother and hugged her father without saying anything. After this Stefano took Rahul in his lap, then kept caressing him for hours.

This photo is from 1984.  In the same year, Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own guards.

This photo is from 1984. In the same year, Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own guards.

When I returned to India, the situation of war became
It is written in The Red Sari book that when Sonia Gandhi came back from Italy with Rahul, she saw Indira Gandhi looking more upset than before. The whole day was spent in the office. Even while caressing Rahul, it seemed that something was missing. When Sonia asked, it came to know that some people want to change power for the party. Word spread quickly that the army wanted to stage a coup. The media would ask Sam Manekshaw, the chief of the Indian Army at that time, when are you going to take power in your possession? Manekshaw remained silent.

Indira called Sam Manekshaw and asked a direct question; “Sam, everyone is saying that you want me to be fired, is that true?” Sam was surprised to hear this. He said, “Ma’am Prime Minister, do I find you so disrespectful?” Indira said, “No Sam, that’s not what I meant to say, I want to say that you will not do that.” Sam nodded his head yes. After this the possibilities of a coup were over.

Indira used to play with Rahul if he got time in the middle of the war.
When Rahul was one and a half years old, the war started with the neighboring country Pakistan. Showing its might, the Indian Army broke it into two pieces. A new country was formed in the form of Bangladesh. This war, which started on 3 December, ended only after 13 days. In these 13 days, Indira Gandhi continued to monitor. But the infatuation he had for Rahul did not diminish. She used to play with him whenever she got time.

The photo is of PM residence.  Here Indira Gandhi used to take time out and play with Rahul and Priyanka.

The photo is of PM residence. Here Indira Gandhi used to take time out and play with Rahul and Priyanka.

On 12 January 1972, Sonia Gandhi gave birth to Priyanka Gandhi. After that both grew up together. Rahul did his early education from St. Columbus School in Delhi. After that he went to Doon school to study. In 1981, due to security reasons, he was called back to Delhi and taught at home. First the assassination of Indira Gandhi then the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, the Gandhi family was horrified. Sonia had made up her mind to go away from politics, but where was destiny’s approval?

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