Greed for power: Free street vendors spring up in Karnataka, after BJP, Congress distributes street vendors

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  • Bhaskar Opinion | Kanataka Election 2023 Congress BJP Manifesto Freebies

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No one wants to be left behind in the race for power. A day ago, the BJP had distributed raivadis, a day later even the Congress could not recover from it. He also made a lot of free announcements.

Such is the race for power. Votes have to be captured somehow. In any case, one has to come to the government. Whether the announcements are practical or not. Political parties only have to woo the voters.

In Karnataka, the Congress has also announced to give 200 units of free electricity to every family, Rs 2,000 per month to every female head of the family. Now there is a screw in the female head. By female head means where there is no male, the female is the head or she is the main female of the family.

Not only this, the Congress has also tried to woo the unemployed youths. It has been announced to give three thousand rupees per month to unemployed graduates and Rs 1500 per month to unemployed graduates for two years. Not only this, women have also been given the allurement of free travel in state government buses.

These are the free hawkers of the Congress. The ideological or political announcements are wonderful. The Congress has said that if it comes to power in Karnataka, the forces that spread communalism will be banned. Congress took the names and said – PFI and Bajrang Dal will be banned.

PFI stands for Popular Front of India. It is a Muslim organization formed in 2007 by three Muslim groups from South India. Many investigative agencies of the country including NIA have called PFI a threat to the country. Inspired by the radical Islamic ideology, the investigating agencies have also expressed suspicion of indulging in religious conversions on the PFI.

Whether Congress knows it or not, but according to the information, PFI and its affiliated organizations have already been banned by the Government of India for five years. The ban was announced by the Ministry of Home Affairs on 28 September.

The second organization is Bajrang Dal, which Congress has promised to ban. The Congress promise to ban Bajrang Dal was flouted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the very day of the announcement. Modi said- This is the same Congress which first put Lord Ram under lock and now it is going around promising to ban Bajrang Bali.