Google Chrome Security Issue: Update Your Google Chrome Browser Immediately To Avoid Getting ‘Hacked’

Soon after Google rolled out an emergency update to Chrome browser version 99 to fix critical vulnerabilities in the internet browser, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has issued a high severity advisory for internet users, warning users to update to the latest Google Chrome version 99.0.4844.84 immediately.

“A vulnerability has been reported in Google Chrome, which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the targeted system,” warned CERT-In in its advisory. What’s worrying is that the vulnerability is already exploited by hackers and Google Chrome users are highly recommended to update immediately.

“This vulnerability exists in Google Chrome due to a type confusion error within the V8 JavaScript engine component in Google Chrome. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a specially crafted webpage, trigger type confusion error and execute arbitrary code on the targeted system. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code and take control of the targeted system,” explained CERT-In in its advisory.

Google recently rolled out the stable channel update of 99.0.4844.84 for Windows, Mac and Linux, starting March 25.

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Recently, CERT-In had rolled out a similar advisory for Mozilla Firefox users. CERT-In had announced that several security vulnerabilities were found in Mozilla products which could be used by hackers to bypass security restrictions, conduct spoofing attacks, execute arbitrary code, obtain sensitive information and cause a denial of service attack on the targeted system.

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All Mozilla Firefox internet browser versions before the latest Firefox 98 are affected by these vulnerabilities. Also, Mozilla Firefox ESR versions prior to 91.7 and Mozilla Firefox Thunderbird versions prior to 91.7 are facing similar security vulnerabilities. CERT-In advised users to upgrade to Mozilla Firefox version Firefox 98, Firefox ESR 91.7and Thunderbird 91.7 immediately.

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