Future Of Innovation: Why India Must Introduce Doctorate Education And Research In Design

By Dr. Sanjay Gupta 

Design has historically prioritised know-how, emphasising problem-solving through immediate information and practical skill-building rather than extensive research. Doctoral studies and research in design therefore raises valid inquiries, especially considering that design remains widely misunderstood by the public and often portrayed superficially, primarily focusing on aesthetics. 

While design has had a brief history of formal research (came into being in the 80s only) compared to its longstanding tradition of practical training, the need for research is critical. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing contemporary design practices and expanding the depths of design disciplines. This need is particularly pronounced in today’s era, which is marked by a drastic shift from mechanical/object-centric design paradigms to systems that exhibit organic evolution, user-driven control, community emphasis, media convergence, and complex interdisciplinary problem-solving requirements.

In recent years, India has witnessed a burgeoning interest in design education, recognising its pivotal role in fostering innovation, economic growth, and societal development. However, the integration of doctoral education and research in design institutions in India presents a remarkable opportunity to unlock unprecedented benefits across various sectors and propel the country towards a trajectory of sustainable growth, industry competitiveness, and global recognition. Introducing doctoral education and research in design institutions in India nurturing a cadre of research scholars specialising in design, would catalyse transformative changes across industries, akin to successful models witnessed in the USA, UK, Finland, and Singapore etc. These nations have seen remarkable advancements through research-driven design initiatives. 

Design Research Among Indian Companies Slowly Gaining Traction

In the USA, companies like Google and IDEO have leveraged design thinking to create user-centric products. Institutions like MIT’s Media Lab and Stanford’s D School have fostered innovations, contributing significantly to the economy. Apple’s user-centric innovation and IKEA’s investment in design research, tailoring experiences, exemplify successful applications. The UK has capitalised on design research, generating significant economic turnovers. Finland’s design-focused initiatives contributed substantially to its GDP, while Singapore’s strategic investments led to around SGD $9 billion added to its economy in 2020. These instances highlight how prioritising design research can fuel economic growth and innovation.

Among Indian institutions, very few institutions offer doctoral programmes in design research. Design research among Indian companies is slowly gaining traction particularly in the field of user research. India boasts of a billion+ user base that is fast evolving with times and hence changes in character every 6-12 months. As various companies are focused on building digital services for these users, user research becomes an imperative. Several pure-play design research consultancies like Hureo and Anagram have emerged. Design studios like Quicksand, Obvious and Lollypop, have built inhouse research teams. Demand for design researchers is growing as can be seen by the high number of vacancies for such researchers.

The need for establishing doctoral programs that emphasise design research is high. Universities can serve as hotbeds of innovation, fostering collaborations between academia and industry, thereby fuelling economic growth through technology transfer, patents, and commercialisation of research findings.

The author is Vice-Chancellor, World University of Design, Sonipat (Haryana). 

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