Former RAW Chief said on Kashmir issue: Congress made a mistake by removing Mufti Mohammad from the post of CM, Center got a chance

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  • Kashmir Issues; Former RAW Chief AS Dulat On Congress And Mufti Mohammad Sayeed

New Delhi22 minutes ago

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After retiring from RAW, Amarjeet Singh was appointed as advisor on Dulat Kashmir Affairs. He held this position from January 2001 to May 2004.

After the break-up of the BJP-PDP alliance in Jammu and Kashmir in 2018, in 2019, the Modi government divided it into two union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. Since then there is the rule of the Lieutenant Governor.

Meanwhile, former RAW chief Amarjeet Singh Dulat said, an elected government should be formed in Kashmir as soon as possible. It will be in the interest of the people of the state. Dulat blamed the Congress for the Centre’s interference in the state.

Dulat said, the Congress had made a big mistake by removing Mufti Mohammad Sayeed from the post of CM.

This picture is from 3 January 2023.  Amarjit Singh Dulat had participated in Rahul's Bharat Jodo Yatra from Delhi's Babarpur area.

This picture is from 3 January 2023. Amarjit Singh Dulat had participated in Rahul’s Bharat Jodo Yatra from Delhi’s Babarpur area.

Mufti was CM for three years in 2002, removed by Congress
In the year 2002, the performance of Farooq Abdullah’s National Conference and BJP in Jammu and Kashmir elections was very bad. Then Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s PDP and Congress together formed the government.

However, there was a condition of this alliance that Mufti Mohammad Sayeed would be the CM for the first three years and the then Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad would be the Chief Minister for the next three years.

In 2005, Mufti had to leave the CM’s chair. Dulat says, the Congress had made a big mistake here. Mufti should not have been removed from the post of CM.

In 2015, Mufti formed a government with the BJP.
In 2015, Mufti Mohammad became CM for the second time. This time his party formed the government in alliance with the BJP, not the Congress. This time Sayeed was to become the chief minister for six years but he died in January 2016. After which his daughter Mehbooba Mufti became the first woman CM of the state.

BJP’s alliance with Mehbooba Mufti did not last long. In 2018, BJP withdrew the support. The government fell. Since then there is no CM in the state.

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