Former Congress Leader Ghulam Nabi Azad Names His Political Outfit ‘Democratic Azad Party

Last Updated: September 26, 2022, 13:13 IST

Ghulam Nabi Azad announced the name of his own party, the ‘Democratic Azad Party’, in Jammu. (Image: PTI)

Ghulam Nabi Azad had ended his more than five-decade-long association with the Congress last month

Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Monday named his new political outfit as ‘Democratic Azad Party’.

The veteran Congress leader ended his more than five-decade-long association with the Congress last month. Azad said that it was difficult to name a political party and added that he received over 1,500 suggestions for his party’s name.

He also launched the flag of the party, which has three colours – mustard, white and blue.

“Mustard colour indicates creativity and unity in diversity, white indicates peace and blue indicates freedom, open space, imagination and limits from the depths of the ocean to the heights of the sky,” he said.

Flag of newly launched party ‘Democratic Azad Party.

Over two dozen prominent Congress leaders including former deputy chief minister Tara Chand, several former ministers and legislators also resigned from the Congress in support of Azad.

Two former legislators, one each of the PDP and Apni party, also followed suit. He has earlier spelt out that the top agendas of his party will be to restore Jammu and Kashmir’s statehood and protect the land and job rights of its residents.

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