FIR on Dean in MBBS student suicide case in Indore: Told father on phone – Seniors stand nude for hours, show porn movies, do dirty acts with pen-pencil

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  • Spoke To Father On Phone Seniors Stand Nude On The Wall For Hours, Show Porn Movies, Do Dirty Acts With Pen pencil

Indore17 minutes ago

A case has been registered against the Dean of the college GS Patel along with two senior students in the suicide case of a first year MBBS student troubled by ragging in Indore. After the FIR, the pain of the father of the deceased spread. He told that my son had complained to the dean of the college about ragging being done by the seniors, but to no avail. This student of Index Medical College had called his father before committing suicide and told about the torture being given by the seniors. He said that…

‘Dad… I am very upset, I don’t want to stay in the hostel. Seniors are taking ragging here. Every day he takes off his clothes and makes me stand on the wall. Stand in that condition for hours. Do dirty things with a pencil and pen. Ask if you have a girlfriend or not. Also show porn movies. Before reading further on this incident, you can give your opinion…

Chetan Patidar (22) resident of Badnagar in Ujjain district was a first year student at Index Medical College, Indore, calling Chetan to the room every night. While discussing with Bhaskar, the maternal uncle of the deceased, Vijay told that Chetan’s admission was done on February 28. After this, the senior students of the college were constantly harassing her. Seniors used to call her to their room every night. After ordering Chetan to take off his clothes, the torture continues for several hours. Chetan had told his father Dinesh Patidar about this. Then he asked to complain about it to the Dean.

Dean of the college GS Patel did not help Chetan.

Went to the Dean on 26 March with the application
According to the police, Chetan had made an application to Dean GS Patel on March 26 regarding not staying in the hostel, but the dean flatly refused. It is said that the college operator gets a hefty fee for the hostel. Because of this they do not allow the student to vacate the hostel. In this case, a case under section 306 has been registered against the dean of the college GS Patel, including two senior college students Durgesh Hada and Romil Singh, late on Friday night.

The relatives of Chetan and the Rural Police Commissioner had met Harinarayanchari Mishra.

The relatives of Chetan and the Rural Police Commissioner had met Harinarayanchari Mishra.

The fear was so much that even kept the phone switched off
Chetan’s father said, on March 28, when I spoke to Chetan, I asked where are you? Then he said that I am having breakfast in the college canteen. The last time there was talk on March 29 i.e. a few hours before the suicide. Then he was talking very frightened and in a low voice. After talking for sometime he hung up the phone.

According to the father, seniors used to harass him by calling him continuously. When he came home on Holi, his senior’s call came here too. I didn’t ask for the name. Senior asked- where are you? Then he hung up the phone saying that he was at home. After that the phone calls kept coming. Chetan was forced to switch off the SIM.

People carrying Chetan's body for post-mortem.

People carrying Chetan’s body for post-mortem.

Chetan was good in studies
The family told that Chetan was good in studies. He got 75% marks in 12th. For this reason he got admission in MBBS. He got Index College. Also got a scholarship of Rs 13 lakh. 1 lakh 70 thousand rupees were to be given to the hostel, which had already been deposited. Chetan’s father does farming in Maulana of Badnagar tehsil of Ujjain district. Elder brother Deepak also joins hands with his father. Chetan has two elder sisters who are married. The dream of the family was to make a son a doctor, so Chetan was sent to Indore for studies. The father had also sold the land for two lakh rupees to pay the hostel fees.

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