Festive Fever 2023: Skincare Tips For Sensitive Skin To Get That Festive Glow

The festive season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also bring challenges for those with sensitive skin. Harsh weather, indulgent food, and late nights can wreak havoc on your complexion. To keep your skin glowing and comfortable during this festive period, it’s crucial to prioritize a gentle and thoughtful skincare routine.

In this regard, Gaurav Singh, who is the Founder & MD, Atulya – Beacon Bio Life Sciences Private Limited said, “The first and the most crucial step to attaining healthy and glowing skin is drinking lots of water and eating healthy food, i.e., no oily, spicy or junk food. Skincare is a habit you should carry in all seasons and not only during the festive season. Because makeup can temporarily make your skin look flawless, good skincare will always reflect on your skin.”

What Is Sensitive Skin And Why It Needs Extra Care?

Sensitive skin implies when someone’s skin is prone to irritation caused by environmental factors and the use of random skincare products. Some people experience inflammation due to friction with synthetic, polyester or woollen clothes. Therefore, these skin types need special attention and care. Using skincare products with harmful chemicals, artificial colours and synthetic fragrance are not safe for this skin type. 

Festive Skincare Regimen for Sensitive Skin:

Mini Sood Banerjee, who is the Assistant director and head of marketing and training, Amorepacific Group said, “Taking care of sensitive skin during the festive season requires a gentle yet effective approach. To kickstart your skincare routine, begin with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser to delicately remove makeup, dirt, and impurities, all while preserving your skin’s natural oils. It’s crucial to avoid hot water and harsh scrubbing, as these can intensify sensitivity. Given that sensitive skin often tends towards dryness, opt for a hydrating moisturizer enriched with soothing ingredients.”

“Even in the winter months, sensitive skin remains vulnerable to UV rays, so don’t forget to shield it with a broad-spectrum sunscreen boasting at least SPF 30 to safeguard against potential damage. If you wish to exfoliate, opt for a gentle exfoliator specially formulated for sensitive skin, limiting exfoliation to once a week to prevent irritation. Prior to introducing new skincare or makeup products into your routine, always conduct a patch test on a small area to ensure they won’t trigger any adverse reactions,” she added.

Additionally, Gaurav Singh went on to list the skincare regimen for sensitive skin:

  • Remove makeup with micellar water

Many women overlook the importance of makeup removal in their beauty regimen. Yet this key step leaves skin feeling so fresh and clean!

Micellar water is an ideal choice for sensitive skin because of its mild, non-aggressive and gentle yet effective properties. Natural ingredients-based micellar water has the lightest formula and makes your skin feel fresh. Micellar water removes all makeup and impurities from the face. 

  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser

Whether you have been out all day for work or celebrations, washing your face twice daily is essential, irrespective of your skin type. You can use aloe vera-based face wash for sensitive skin because it is gentle and provides wholesome cleansing. Aloe vera soothes sore skin inflammation and also helps maintain the skin’s moisture barrier. Foaming face wash deeply cleanses your pores leaving your skin soft and supple.

  • Use a face mask to soothe & heal your skin

Face mask is part and parcel of every skin type. After your skin has come in contact with the impurities and environmental stressors, it is essential to clean and revive it.

Gone are the days when face masks were known only for their cleansing and exfoliating properties. Today, face masks have evolved into a treat, helping individuals achieve smooth, radiant skin while embracing its health. With the use of natural ingredients like Rose, Matcha and Ubtan, face masks have become an integral part of festive skincare routines for every skin type.

Nobody is better off sunscreen. Regardless of your skin type and age, sunscreen is a vital skincare step for everyone. It protects your face from the harmful UV rays of the sun and prevents you from premature ageing and uneven skin tone.

Lastly, Pranav Malhotra, who is the Founder of Trunativ also added the following:

  • Hydration is Key: Keep your skin well-hydrated with a hypoallergenic moisturizer. Apply it immediately after cleansing to lock in moisture.
  • Fragrance-Free Products: Opt for fragrance-free skincare products to avoid triggering sensitivity.
  • Prioritize Beauty Sleep: Ensure you get sufficient rest during the festive season to allow your skin to rejuvenate naturally.