Fake Bank Notes: 100, 200, 500 taka toy notes scattered in the city! Isn’t there another business going on behind the scenes?

#Kolkata: One hundred, two hundred, five hundred, two thousand rupees notes are being sold in liquor shops and toy shops in the city. If you don’t try it with your hands, you will think that it is really Indian money.

Except for one hundred taka notes, all other notes are small in size. But the color, the design is exactly the same. In place of the Reserve Bank is written Manoranjan Bank.

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One hundred taka toy notes look almost the same as the original notes. Anyone can easily cheat on this one hundred taka note. The price of a note is two rupees. The note is being sold at a wholesale price of Rs.

Question, in this way the exact color and design of Indian notes can be duplicated? Prominent lawyer Anirban Guha Thakurata said in this regard, ‘Absolutely exact design. No one will be able to make a fake or a real one. By saving the law, Manoranjan Bank has written instead of the Reserve Bank. However, the way the design has been forged, if any person does not notice or do not know how to read, then it can be cheated.

The shopkeepers are selling these notes as children’s toys. Experts claim that the notes were scanned and printed on each computer. It is sold in the market by scanning the note and changing the text in one or two places on it. Informed quarters are saying horrible deeds. This could hurt the internal security of the country. Those who are scanning and printing genuine notes, they are not printing counterfeit notes behind this business, where is the guarantee!

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Does the administration have complete information about this? This type of business is growing in different parts of the country. A couple of shops in the flower garden have been seen selling. Some people say that it is better not to do business that could jeopardize the security of the country.

Published by:Suman Majumder

First published:

Tags: 500 Rupees Fake Note, Fake Notes