Effect of rebellion in Akali Dal: Dissolution of entire organization including working and core committee; Sukhbir Badal will continue to be the head

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  • Sukhbir Singh Badal | Akali Dal President Sukhbir Badal Dissolved SAD Organization Structure

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Akali Dal chief Sukhbir Badal.

Sukhbir Badal has dissolved the entire organization of Shiromani Akali Dal (Badal). All the units, core committees, office bearers of Akali Dal along with all the wings have also been dissolved. This decision has been taken after a growing rebellion over leadership in the Akali Dal. First MLA Manpreet Ayali raised questions on leadership.

After that senior leader and core committee member Professor Prem Singh Chandumajra also got angry. Late night Sukhbir Badal announced the dissolution of the organizational structure. Earlier, Sukhbir also went to celebrate Chandumajra. Those who raised questions on placing the Jhunda Committee report in the core committee in the presence of the President.

Follow the suggestions of Jhunda Committee
According to the Akali Dal, a poll review committee was formed under the leadership of senior leader Iqbal Jhunda to brainstorm the electoral defeat. The organizational structure was disbanded on the suggestion of this committee. Akali Dal ran the government in Punjab from 2007 to 2017. In the subsequent two assembly elections, it suffered a crushing defeat. In 2022, Akali Dal was reduced to just 3 seats. Not only this, all the veterans including 5-time CM Parkash Singh Badal, head Sukhbir Badal lost.

MLA Ayali boycotted the presidential election
The rebellion in the Akali Dal started with the party leader MLA Manpreet Ayali in the Punjab Assembly. He did not vote for BJP-backed NDA candidate Draupadi Murmu, opposing the party’s decision. Ayali boycotted the presidential election. Ayali said that this support was given without taking any confidence on Sikh, Punjab and other issues. After this senior leader Prem Singh Chandumajra did not attend the core committee meeting. He raised questions on presenting the report of the Jhunda committee directly to the core committee. Chandumajra said that it should have been placed in the review committee earlier.

Declaration of dissolution of organizational structure.

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