Dogs attack on 3-month-old baby in Ahmedabad: Pulled from the swing, hit the ground and broke down, parents were working nearby

Ahmedabad3 minutes ago

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A heart-wrenching video of the terror of stray dogs has come to the fore from Ahmedabad. Here a pack of dogs dragged a three-month-old baby sleeping in the swing and attacked him. The child’s parents were working nearby. When the parents and other people reached there after hearing the noise, a dog ran after pressing the child in the mouth.

Seeing this, the local people started chasing him. The people barely rescued the child from the dog. The child has received serious injuries, he has been admitted to the civil hospital. The incident took place on Thursday morning, whose CCTV footage has now come to the fore.

Dogs ran after pressing the innocent in the mouth.

The child’s parents were working
The construction work of a building is going on at Sonal Cinema Road in Sarkhej area of ​​the city. It was here that the husband and wife were working. During that time this incident happened.

Similar case in Kolar, Karnataka
Like Ahmedabad, a similar case has also come to light in Kolar district of Karnataka. Here stray dogs attacked a 9 year old boy. He has been admitted to the hospital.

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