Divyanka Tripathi furious at trolls for gaining weight: Nia Sharma-Richa Chadha feel fear of obesity, thin waist craze can kill life

New Delhi41 min agoAuthor: Aishwarya Sharma

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Divyanka Tripathi, who became popular with the TV serial ‘Yeh Hai Mohabbatein’, was recently trolled on social media for the increased weight. Some people thought she was pregnant. In such a situation, the actress gave a befitting reply to the trollers.

Posting a video on Instagram, he wrote, ‘I don’t have a flat tummy. Don’t ask again whether I am pregnant or fat.

Thin waist is the norm in society’s thinking while obesity is a stigma. In such a situation, the desire to look slim makes some people mentally ill, which is called obesophobia.

What is obesophobia?

Eating food by measuring, checking your weight frequently, measuring your tummy with inch tape, exercising for several hours if you see a slight double chin… just thinking in the morning and evening that you don’t get fat. All these symptoms are of obesophobia. It is also called Pokrescophobia.

It is an anxiety disorder. This disease is related to eating disorder.

The fitness industry has made the scale of beauty

Rajeev Mehta, Psychiatrist at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi, told that nowadays the beauty and fitness industry is growing rapidly. It is setting the benchmark of beauty among people. Like having a body like a Bollywood actor, so much weight, so much waist.

Girls are affected more by this. The desire to look beautiful can make them a victim of obesophobia and eating disorders.

Various types of eating disorders in obesophobia

anorexia nervosa: In this, a person always has the fear of gaining weight. Sometimes he feels that he is overweight when he is suffering from malnutrition. This type of patient is very thin. He is always obsessed with body shape and weight.

Keeps himself away from eating. If he eats food, he vomits forcefully. In anorexia, when there is a lack of calories in the body, then the muscles of the person start weakening. Sometimes multi organs fail.

bulimia nervosa: In this, a person eats a lot of food little by little. After this forcefully vomits or starts taking laxatives (laxatives and diuretics).

After eating laxatives, stool comes out of the body while diuretics bring urine. Apart from this, some people start exercising more than the limit.

Princess Diana revealed in 1994 that she was a victim of bulimia nervosa.  He also made people aware about this disease.

Princess Diana revealed in 1994 that she was a victim of bulimia nervosa. He also made people aware about this disease.

Career and relationships can end

According to psychiatrist Dr Rajeev Mehta, obesophobia can end the patient’s professional, personal life and relationship. In fact, depression and anxiety surrounds the person. When a person always thinks about weight and food and drink, then he is not able to pay attention to other things. These things start to dominate some people so much that they even commit suicide. There is always a fear in the mind of such people that if they become fat, they will look bad.

On the other hand, if you suffer from an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa, then you can become malnourished, which can lead to many diseases and even death. Along with counseling, such patients are in dire need of taking medicine.

More than 10 thousand people lose their lives

The National Eating Disorders Organization did a study. According to this, 9% of the people in the world are victims of eating disorder. 6% of people are underweight for this reason. Every year 10200 people lose their lives because of this. Eating disorder kills 1 person every 52 minutes. At the same time, 26% of people commit suicide due to this disease.

This disease was seen more in women

The National Eating Disorders Organization conducted a survey among people in the US, Europe and the UK. It was found that 0.3-0.4% of women and 0.1% of men suffer from anorexia nervosa. 1.0% of bulimia nervosa are female and 0.1% are male.

Depression in 94% of patients

The International General of Eating Disorders did a study in 2009. It was found that 1 in 5 women seek treatment for an eating disorder. 36.8% of women admitted to the hospital self-harm. At the same time, 94% of the patients are victims of depression and 56% are suffering from anxiety.

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