Diseases affecting the people of Himachal: Obesity, hypertension and diabetes attack; Suffered more than the national average, revealed in the latest report of ICMR

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Diseases like diabetes, hypertension and obesity are affecting the people of Himachal Pradesh despite the tough lifestyle in the mountains. This claim has been made in the latest research of the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR). This report of ICMR has recently been published in the medical journal ‘The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology’.

It is a matter of concern that more people in the state have become victims of diabetes, hypertension and obesity than the national average. Principal Investigator of IGMC Shimla, Dr. Jitendra Mokta, who conducted this ICMR study in Himachal, said that 13.5 percent people in the state are suffering from diabetes, while the national average is 11.4 percent. The lowest 4.8 percent in Uttar Pradesh and the highest 26.4 percent in Goa are troubled by diabetes.

Similarly, 18.7 percent people in Himachal are suffering from prediabetes. Its national average is 15.3 per cent. The lowest 6.1 percent in Mizoram and the highest 31.3 percent in Sikkim are suffering from prediabetes.

35.3 percent people suffer from hypertension

According to the report, 35.3 percent people of Himachal are troubled by the disease of high blood pressure (hypertension). Its national average is 35.5 percent. Although only 0.2 percent less than the national average. However, this rate is not good for people who are considered strong like mountains. Meghalaya has the lowest prevalence of hypertension at 24.3 per cent and Punjab at 51.8 per cent.

38.7 percent people in the state are troubled by obesity

38.7 percent of people in Himachal Pradesh are victims of Generalized Obesity, its national average is 28.6 percent. That is, compared to the national average, 10 percent more people in Himachal have come under the grip of obesity. The lowest 11.6 percent in Jharkhand and 53.3 percent people in Puducherry are troubled by this disease.

56.1% stomach is not normal in the state

In Himachal, 56.1 percent people are suffering from the problem of abdominal obesity, while the national average is 39.5 percent. Abdominal obesity is the lowest in Jharkhand at 18.4 percent and in Puducherry it is 61.2 percent.

These diseases are increasing due to these reasons

If doctors are to be believed, these diseases were almost non-existent in Himachal till a few decades back. Now school children are also becoming victims of type 2 diabetes. All the three diseases are increasing rapidly because people have stopped working in the fields.

Due to the increase in the connectivity of roads in every village, people have stopped walking. People don’t even exercise. Earlier the work for which hard work was required, now the same work is being done in a few minutes with the help of machines.

junk food is bad for health

In the modern lifestyle, the trend of people has shifted towards junk food instead of nutritious food. People have reduced the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. The problem of diabetes along with obesity is arising from packaged food. In such food, there are more carbohydrates and sugar than nutritious elements.

Due to the spicy taste, fast food has become the first choice of children. Due to the consumption of these things for a long time and less physical labor, the problem of blood pressure and diabetes is seen in children.