Deputy CM also disagrees with the Governor’s statement: Fadnavis said – many contribute in the development of Maharashtra, but the importance of Marathis cannot be diminished

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Maharashtra Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis has said on the statement of Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari that he does not agree with the statement of the Governor. Marathi people have contributed to the development of Maharashtra. Many other people are also involved in this yatra but the importance of Marathi people cannot be underestimated.

Rajasthanis-Gujaratis were told Dhankuber of Maharashtra

Controversy erupted over Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari’s remarks about Mumbai when he gave credit for Mumbai’s financial capital to Rajasthanis and Gujaratis living here at an event. Koshyari had said, ‘Sometimes I tell the people here that if you drive out Gujaratis and Rajasthanis from Maharashtra, especially from Mumbai and Thane, then you will not have any money left here. It will not be called financial capital at all. Read full news…

Both pros and cons are angry, Uddhav asked to show Kolhapuri slippers

This statement of the Governor was a nuisance to both the parties and the opposition in the power of Maharashtra. Sanjay Raut surrounded the Shinde faction on Koshyari’s statement and said that Koshyari has told Marathis to be beggars, in such a situation, CM Shinde should take action. At the same time, Shinde faction has also called this statement of Koshyari as an insult to the state. On the other hand, former Chief Minister Uddhav said that the Governor has enjoyed everything in Maharashtra. Now the time has come for them to see the Kolhapuri chappals too.

When the dispute escalated, Koshyari clarified
Seeing the growing controversy, Governor Koshyari has clarified on his statement on Saturday. He said that Mumbai is the pride of Maharashtra. It is also the financial capital of the country. In the statement I made in the program of Rajasthani Samaj, I had no intention to underestimate Marathi Manush. I only talked about the contribution made by Gujarati and Rajasthani mandals to the business.

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