Delhi AIIMS server down since 7 am: possibility of hacking; Patients unable to register online

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The server of the country’s largest government hospital Delhi AIIMS is down since 7 am on Wednesday. The team of National Informatics Center (NIC) is working to fix it. According to NIC, this could be a ransomware attack. Due to this the internet is closed in the hospital and all the work is being done manually.

Health data of VVIP on AIIMS server
Very sensitive information resides on the servers of AIIMS. Here the health data of the President, Prime Minister, Ministers and other prominent persons resides. Cybercrime agencies have also been roped in in the case.

What is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malware that sneaks into your computer and gains access. It encrypts all your files. Makes a ransom demand in return for data and access. In easy language, it can be understood as kidnapping. A hijacker captures your system and data and demands a ransom in return. After paying the ransom, if he wants, he can return your data or destroy it.

More cases found in 2021
There were at least 130 different ransomware active in 2020 and 30,000 groups of malware were found in the first half of 2021. which looked and operated identically. Out of these 100 ransomware are such that their activity never stops. Attackers are using a variety of methods, including well-known botnet malware and other remote access trojans (RATs), to deliver their ransomware to as many people as possible.

In most cases, they use new ransomware samples. However, Google says that there have been no ransomware attacks on any professional, education or customer’s Chrome OS devices on its Google Chrome OS cloud-first platform.

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