Dalit Student Beaten to Death by Teacher in UP’s Auraiyya; Locals on Rampage, Damage Police Vehicles

A student was beaten to death by a teacher in Auraiyya district of Uttar Pradesh for giving a wrong answer in the social science test. The incident caused anger among the locals who went on a rampage and torched several vehicles including police vehicles. As per reports, the local even indulged in stone pelting during which vehicles of District Magistrate Auraiyya was also damaged, and the cops had to run to save their lives from the angry mob.

The protest after the death of the student was started by locals and the family members of the deceased first, however later on supporters of the Bhim Army and Samajwadi Party also joined the protestors later on.

The incident was reported from Adarsh Inter College under Achchakda Police station in Auraiyya where a teacher named Ashwani Singh, had allegedly beaten up class 10 student Nikhit badly just for giving a wrong answer in the social science test.

After which the student died on Monday during treatment at Saifai Medical University. After the post-mortem at the Etawah headquarters, as soon as the body reached the village, there was a ruckus. At around 9:15 pm the protestors started stone pelting the cops after which the situation became uncontrollable. Meanwhile, a police jeep parked at Airavkatra police station was also set on fire.

Meanwhile, seeing the deteriorating atmosphere, Charu Nigam, the Superintendent of Police reached the spot and dispersed the crowd, and pacified the relatives of the deceased. At the same time, more than two dozen people were detained, who were taken to the police station. In view of the possibility of conspiracy in the whole ruckus, the call details of some people also are being investigated. A heavy police force has been deployed in the vicinity to maintain law and order.

On the other hand, Samajwadi Party Chief and former Chief Minister of the state Akhilesh Yadav has tweeted on the issue and demanded strict action against the culprits. “The news of the death of a student in Auraiyya after being beaten up by a teacher is not only sad but also very sensitive. The government should take appropriate action and also give compensation to the victim’s family. Education gives life, doesn’t take it.”

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