Daily Briefing Sept 19: Anti-overhaul protesters nip at Netanyahu’s heels on US trip

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

News editor Luke Tress and US bureau chief Jacob Magid join host Amanda Borschel-Dan on today’s episode.

Today’s show begins with a brief report from diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman, who is traveling with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the United States.

Tress sheds light on what anti-judicial overhaul protesters have in store for the prime minister this week and delves into who they are and where their funding comes from.

Magid reports on an optimistic initiative put together by Saudi Arabia, the European Union, the Arab League and other international partners that is aimed at incentivizing Israel and the Palestinian Authority to restart peace talks.

Magid reported last week that the United Arab Emirates ambassador to the United States said that the Israeli government is engaged in a process of de facto annexation of the West Bank, and that it may be up to other countries weighing normalization with Israel to stop it. He speaks about this carrot versus stick approach.

And finally, the Orthodox Union has certified a strain of lab-grown meat as kosher for the first time. We hear what kind of cells these are and where they can be found.

Discussed articles include:

TOI Webinar: No vote, no voice? Diaspora Jews’ influence on Israel’s judicial overhaul crisis

PM says original overhaul proposal ‘was bad,’ but must fix how Israel chooses judges

New York anti-overhaul activists launch week of protests as Netanyahu arrives

‘100% carrots’: Arab states, EU unveil plan to entice Israel, PA to sign peace deal

Saudi-backed EU venture aims to incentivize Israeli-Palestinian peace

UAE envoy: De facto West Bank annexation unfolding, but our ability to stop it wanes

In first, leading kosher authority Orthodox Union certifies lab-grown meat

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Check out yesterday’s Daily Briefing episode:

Responsibly covering this tumultuous time

As The Times of Israel’s political correspondent, I spend my days in the Knesset trenches, speaking with politicians and advisers to understand their plans, goals and motivations.

I’m proud of our coverage of this government’s plans to overhaul the judiciary, including the political and social discontent that underpins the proposed changes and the intense public backlash against the shakeup.

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